Innovative Emergency Ventilation 

Every second counts in emergency situations. Our emergency ventilation technology gives users and patients the support they need. From specialized devices to advanced ventilation modes, we take emergency care to a new level.

Discover the world of emergency ventilation and find out how WEINMANN contributes to making the difference at critical moments. Find out more about our latest developments and field-tested solutions that contribute to saving lives.


Special Ventilation Functions

Special challenges require special support: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and anesthesia induction pose a particular challenge in a prehospital setting.

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Patient is pushed onto stretcher by paramedic

Gentle Ventilation with Pressure Control Ventilation Modes

With WEINMANN ventilators, you can use various pressure-controlled ventilation modes.

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Flow Measurement

Flow measurement is an important part of ventilation treatment. The flow measurement is particularly important during continuous ventilation and CPAP therapy.

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Non-invasive ventilation (NIV)

Non-invasive ventilation is a form of respiratory therapy for patients with difficulty absorbing enough oxygen or expelling carbon dioxide.

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Types of Ventilation

Types of Ventilation

Ventilation is a vital medical procedure to support or take over gas exchange in the lungs when the body is no longer capable of doing so. A wide variety of types or modes of ventilation makes it possible to cover a broad spectrum of medical conditions requiring ventilation.

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The capnography in use

Capnography: CO₂ Measurement Values, Curves and Trends

Capnography describes the continuous measurement of the end-tidal CO2 (etCO2) in exhaled gas, which WEINMANN ventilators perform using infrared spectroscopy and the sidestream method.

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Hygiene Filter for your Ventilator

The virus and bacteria filter for ventilatorst: The growing number of multidrug-resistant germs is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge for emergency and health care services.

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MEDUtrigger for Manual Ventilation

In certain situations, it is necessary to administer mechanical breaths individually, as needed. In emergency medicine this applies particularly in cases of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and anesthesia induction (RSI). WEINMANN Emergency makes this possible even during mechanical ventilation with the unique MEDUtrigger

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Ventilation during resuscitation

Ventilation during resuscitation

Ventilation during resuscitation can be the difference between life and death. For a long time, its importance in comparison to chest compression was underestimated. Today, however, there is a broad consensus that ventilation is an essential component of resuscitation and must not be neglected.

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