Returns and Repairs

Technician repairing a WEINMANN unit

Our Technical Service will be delighted to help you!

Does your device need maintenance, repair or a technical safety check? Want to return your loan device or dispose of your old WEINMANN electrical device in line with the regulations? Our colleagues from Technical Service will be delighted to help you! 

  • On your computer, fill in the maintenance and repair form. 
  • Print out the completed form. 
  • Then send your device and the completed form to our return address. 

maintenance and repair form [PDF]

WEINMANN Centre for Production, Logistics, Service in Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany

Return address 

Always send your device to the following address: 

Zentrum für Produktion, Logistik, Service 
WEINMANN Emergency Medical Technology GmbH + Co. KG 
Siebenstücken 14 
24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany 

Important notice: Please do not send your device to our Hamburg head office. This causes unnecessary delays and extra expense. Always send your device to the Henstedt-Ulzburg address above. 

Technician checks a WEINMANN device

Return instructions 

Please follow the instructions below when sending in your device: 

Risk of infection during servicing due to contaminated parts! The device, accessories, and other parts may be contaminated and infect the technicians with bacteria or viruses during servicing work. 

  • Clean and disinfect the device, accessories, and other parts. 
  • Do not send in parts which are potentially contaminated. 

If you send in contaminated parts, these will be disposed of by WEINMANN or by authorized technicians at your expense. 

Right of return 

Please take account of the following legal boundary conditions:  

warranty conditions [PDF]

general terms and conditions for repairs, maintenance, and technical safety check [PDF]


Service on your premises

If you would prefer not to send in your device, you can also request our MobileService. Our WEINMANN Emergency MobileService comes to your device and performs the corresponding service in situ.

WEINMANN Emergency MobileService