Emergency Cases

Shortness of breath, heart attack, atrial fibrillation -when a life-threatening emergency strikes, immediate intervention is required to save the life of the individual affected.

Find out about different emergency situations and about the solutions which can help save lives.

Emergency Cases

Respiratory insufficiency

Respiratory insufficiency is a cause of breathing difficulty (dyspnea), which can be extremely frightening for patients. For this reason, when administering out-of-hospital ventilation, every detail must be just right, so as to provide fast and safe assistance – and to calm the fears of the person affected.

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Emergency operation
Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine

When time is not on your side, emergency treatment is crucial for saving human lives. Emergency medical devices enable immediate treatment and provide the ideal support to the emergency services when it comes to first response measures.

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Heart Attack
Emergency Cases

Recognizing a Heart Attack Quickly

This article contains all the key information about heart attacks: from the typical symptoms to possible consequences and diagnostics. You will also learn how MEDUCORE Standard² from WEINMANN can support you with both diagnosis and treatment.

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Emergency Cases


In a race against time, when every second counts, each step in resuscitation must be exactly right first time. In Germany, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is one of the three most common causes of death. The innovative devices from WEINMANN support guideline-compliant treatment when administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), irrespective of the user’s level of experience.

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Emergency Cases

Treating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Correctly

Every year, about 500 people in Germany lose their life to an invisible danger – carbon monoxide poisoning. Although it is the most frequent cause of fatal poisonings, the potential risk of this colorless and odorless gas is often underestimated. In this article, we will explain what should be done in the event of CO poisoning and how modern ventilators from WEINMANN can make a decisive contribution to its treatment.

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Emergency anesthesia
Emergency Cases

Emergency Anesthesia

You will find a comprehensive overview of this guideline’s recommendations. WEINMANN’s MEDUMAT Standard² and MEDUVENT Standard ventilators support the implementation of the guidelines.

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CPAP ventilation for COPD
Emergency Cases


COPD patients often suffer from breathing difficulty, which can get worse as the disease progresses, not only during physical exertion but even at rest.

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