Why CCSV Simplifies the Workflow During Resuscitation

03/10/2023 Products

Three WEINMANN Emergency employees performing resuscitation on a dummy.
aktiv/Christian Augustin

Marian, Area Manager East at WEINMANN Emergency, has been working in the emergency medical services for 25 years. He was one of the first paramedics in Germany and even today regularly does shifts in the state of Brandenburg – despite his full-time job. 

He is Organizational Director of Emergency Medical Services and also provides services on the ambulance and emergency response vehicle. Marian is familiar with the products from a user perspective and knows the difficulties that the emergency medical services face. Incidents involving resuscitation are particularly challenging.

Challenges of resuscitation

“If the cardiac arrest goes unnoticed, lay resuscitation was not performed and the emergency medical services took more than twelve minutes to arrive, then the chances of survival for the person affected are very low,” explains Marian. Resuscitation procedures are in any case demanding – particularly difficult here is ventilation during continuous chest compressions. It is not only about maintaining blood circulation and perfusion. At the same time you need optimum oxygenation of the blood and CO₂ elimination from the blood. The chest compressions also continually disrupt the ventilation.

The application specialist team of WEINMANN Emergency

Marian’s experiences with CCSV

“To solve this problem, WEINMANN Emergency developed the CCSV ventilation mode a few years ago. Using this mode, MEDUMAT Standard² can initiate a pressure-controlled mechanical breath in sync with the performed chest compression,” explains Marian. One advantage of this is that during the compression phase no gas volume can escape from the thorax. The increased pressure in the lung therefore ensures greater compression of the heart during the chest compressions. The result is an increase in arterial pressure, while CCSV not only ensures improved oxygenation, but also supports perfusion. 

Marian himself has used CCSV for resuscitation on three occasions so far. “When we arrived at the emergency site, we started CPR straightaway using the 30:2 method. Shortly afterward the emergency physician arrived. Once he had intubated the patient, the resuscitation could continue with CCSV.” For Marian it was a clear improvement in the workflow: “We were now able to continuously perform the chest compressions on the patient without having to take into account ventilation pauses or adjust other settings on the MEDUMAT Standard². Alternating with the ECG analysis, we didn’t have to interact with the device as we did in the past.” Marian finds CCSV offers a major performance advantage: “The resuscitation with CCSV is much less stressful, better, and much easier.”

Better training scenarios with CCSV

The better workflow with CCSV becomes apparent not just in the field, but also during resuscitation training. “Colleagues also confirm this during the megacode training. Where the person receiving treatment experiences an ROSC, as the user I initially don’t have to change anything on MEDUMAT Standard². The ventilator automatically switches to IPPV ventilation. If the person affected needs resuscitation again, the ventilator recognizes this situation and automatically switches back to CCSV,” says Marian. For the future he would like to see the ventilation mode being used more widely than previously: “The more people use CCSV, the more we’ll be able to optimize the resuscitation process.” 

More about CCSV

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