Work Experience and Dissertations at WEINMANN

Your springboard to launching your career

Do you want to see more than just the inside of lecture halls at university and get your first impressions and experience of the world of work now? A period of work experience with us will enable you to discover your strengths and find the best place to show off your skills. We also give you the opportunity of writing your final dissertation with us - a world away from dusty libraries. Take the opportunity of getting to know an international medical technology company and contribute to solving real-life problems. 

 Your benefits at WEINMANN: 

  • Gain valuable practical experience
  • As a self-starter, work independently
  • Optimum mentoring from experienced staff throughout the whole of your work experience/dissertation
  • Project-based tasks characterized by an open work environment grounded in trust
  • Flexible working and a 35-hour full-time working week
  • Attractive remuneration: At bachelor and masters level, €800 a month gross

Work experience at WEINMANN Emergency

Young working student with headphones laughs into camera

For work experience, please apply 4 to 6 months before your desired start date. 

Please let us know whether the work experience is compulsory or voluntary. If compulsory, please enclose the relevant extract of your examination/course regulations with your application documentation. 
We do not offer work experience for school pupils or as part of a retraining program, nor work experience as preparation for a job or prior to admission to a higher education course. 


  • Matriculation at an institute of higher education 
  • In at least term 3 
  • Full-time commitment for at least 3 to 6 months 
  • 35 hours a week 

Application documentation: 

  • Write quoting your desired start date, the duration of work experience, and the desired corporate/technical department 
  • CV 
  • Copies of your academic results (A-levels, evidence of achievements; work experience or placement abroad if applicable) 

The time I presented my dissertation was one of the best. It was exciting to hear my colleagues’ thoughts on the subject and great to be able to discuss it so intensively. .

Ulrikesoftware developer

Dissertations at WEINMANN Emergency


  • Matriculation at an institute of higher education 
  • Full-time commitment for at least 3 to 6 months 
  • 35 hours a week 

 Application documentation: 

  • Write quoting your desired start date, the duration of the dissertation, and its technical subject. We will come up with a topic together. 
  • CV 
  • Copies of your academic results (A-levels, evidence of achievements; work experience or placement abroad if applicable) 

For your dissertation, please apply 3 to 6 months before your desired start date.

Apply now!

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Your contact

Astrid Hafke

Astrid Hafke

Head of Education, Internships