WEINMANN Emergency
Medical Technology GmbH + Co. KG
Frohbösestraße 12
22525 Hamburg
T: +49 40 88 18 96 - 0
F: +49 40 88 18 96 - 480
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Center for Production, Logistics, Service
Siebenstücken 14
24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg
Registration Court:
Local Court Hamburg
Section A, No. 115967
General Partner:
WEINMANN Emergency Management GmbH, Hamburg
Local Court Hamburg, Section B, No. 38144
Authorized Representatives / Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Volksw. Marc Griefahn
Dipl.-Kfm. Philipp Schroeder
Dipl.-Volksw. André Schulte
Turnover Tax Identification Number in accordance with §27 of Turnover Tax Law:
DE 288367727
WEEE Registration Number:
DE 47913245
Responsible for content in accordance with § 10 MDStV:
André Schulte
Despite our careful checking of content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked sites are exclusively responsible for their own Content.
All promotional materials and media designs for online and offline use, for Facebook and YouTube, and all content provided therein are the work of the in-house advertising, public relations and communication department.
WEINMANN Emergency products are not yet available for sale in the United States.
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